The statewide enterprise recognizes Information Technology is one of the fastest growing investment areas for state agencies, an area that holds great potential for dramatically changing the way government delivers services to its customers. The enterprise also realizes the need to take a coordinated approach to technology investments and the importance of working together to establish an enterprise infrastructure. This purpose has been captured in the mission, which reveals the statewide enterprise’s unique and enduring reason for being and, as such, energizes the enterprise to pursue common ends. This purpose is further articulated through the statewide enterprise’s strategic goals and objectives. In an effort to generate and promote an organizational purpose that people can actively support, the statewide enterprise devised a statement that encapsulates the role that it plays in serving the state agencies of Ohio. The statewide enterprise’s mission is summarized as follows.



Provide the state of Ohio with an efficient enterprise IT environment that fosters collaboration among agencies even as it supports our separate missions of serving citizens, businesses, and employees through stellar delivery of our core business services.



Ohio's Information Technology

Statewide IT Strategic Plan

  Core Values
  Guiding Principles
  Business Drivers
  Goals & Objectives